Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sarah's Diary, 16th Endings, 1294.

16th Endings, 1294, Outside Karnax’s Last Resort,

Dear Diary,

The last few days have been something of a rush! After our first day Karnax’s Last Resort, Ioun, Bahamat and I decided to go around town last night (the 15th) and see where the students normally hand out. I admit I was not much in favor of this idea as I had hoped to read a few chapters of next years textbooks, and I find that I am rather out of place at most parties. Still I did not wish to let Ioun and Bahamat down so I went with them. After some time spent going around town we ended up in a tavern called “The Boar’s Rest” and the three of us where having a lot of fun, though I am not yet old enough to drink (at least mother tells me that) so I had not drunken anything. Though it was late there will still two other students there with us. The first one was our brave (and handsome!) minotaur (whom I shall refer to as Kord, for obvious reasons) though I was delighted to see him there I of course said nothing as he was clearly involved with the barmaid. The other was a student I have seen once or twice around school but never talked too. He is a bit like the proverbial “tall, dark and handsome” tough with something of a hard look about him; he does not seem very nice at all! Every time I said something he would look at me with a most evil expression, I shall call him Asmodeus as that seems a fitting name, and I must say but I do not like him much. Well the lot of us where about to head to bed, seeing as how it was quite past my bed time, and had just left the tavern when a horde of drunken (one can only assume) Kobolds came down the street. The lead one ran right into Kord and fell back stunned, and the next thing I knew we where brawling in the street! I can only hope that father does not hear of this. Well one of the Kobolds ran up to me and hit me rather hard. I ran back into the tavern door way and tried to help with some of the spells I have been learning, but I fear I only succeeded in making several of the Kobalds mad at Kord for they attacked him. OH! He was magnificent! Laying about him like a true hero (sports or not) and I admit to maybe watching him a little longer then necessary. Bahamat was capering about setting things ablaze like he normally does, while dear Ioun helped him with the fight. I could not see Asmodeus much, but despite my distaste for him I will admit he seems hard working and did not pass up a chance to help out. Well of course my friends soon had the Kobolds laid out cold; I do hope the poor dears will be alright. However we soon saw more the Kobolds running trough he streets, carrying babies of all things! Now I have heard of an old Kobold legend that stats that if you brake open a human baby under a full moon they turn out to be full of gold, so I have to wonder if they might not have just been desperately poor, rather then malicious. Though I thought it might be better to wait for the town watch to deal with situation the others chased after the Kobolds and not waiting to let my friends down, tough I always seem to, I followed. We soon caught up with the Kobolds, who when asked returned the babies and left town, a most sensible lot I must say. It was only this morning that some of the teachers call us together, it seems that some of the babies had not been returned. The teachers thought I might be good training for some of us to go after the kobolds and retrieve the stolen babes. Bahamat, Ioun, Kord and Asmodeus volunteered to go after them. I myself am petrified of the idea, the fight last night was scary enough with out going looking for trouble, I know I shall only get in the way. But in the end I could not stand the though of being left behind, so using the excuse of extra credit, which I don’t need I agreed to go along, if only to stay with my friends. So now we are heading out to find the Kobold camp and the babies. I feel rather sick and shaky at the moment and I fear I might vomit, I can only hope that I do not get my friends hurts in this somewhat rash undertaking (though the teachers would have asked us to go if it was that dangerous would they?). Oh, Gods, Kord has said he sees something up ahead, so I must try to hold it together of a little while longers, gods I have to pee!!! Good Night ------ Love Sarah.

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