Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Calender

Here we have the calender, the current year is 1295, though it has almost ended.

Wicket's Sketches

{Rendition of the malevolent force behind the kobolds.

(Image from Aye Dark Overlord.)

Wicket's Journal: 1294-16-Endings

Our initial encounter with the Kobolds has only provided more questions than answers. The Unabridged Guide to Karnax' Last Resort has the following to say about kobolds:

While kobolds can be found inhabiting the hills, they are docile, content to remain
in their warrens. They are slightly territorial, so travelers are advised to be careful.

So then, why are the kobolds suddenly so malicious? They stole children from their homes! True, there is that legend that kobolds can turn babies to gold during the full moon, or something, but still! Then there's the matter of how they managed to procure the infants without the guards knowing what was going on. I thank Bahamut that we were there to stop them.

It saddens me that the children were the target of their attack, had they been after food or other supplies, it might have hinted at some plight that we can readily assist with. Given the focus of their actions, however, I am lead to believe that there's some malevolent force behind the kobolds. A guiding mind that shapes their actions, sculpting from the clay of chaos and destruction a dark work of iniquity and sorrow. Could this be the dark presence I sensed during my meditations? What kind of creature could command that kind of obedience from the kobolds? More information is needed at this point. I shudder to think of what fate will befall the children if we cannot find them.

We are preparing to leave now, my friends and I. Our teachers have unexpectedly decided to reward our actions, and here I was, ready to ask Greta to help with a plan to get us out of here unnoticed. I'm glad everyone is with me, for together, I know we can figure out what's going on.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sarah's Diary, 16th Endings, 1294.

16th Endings, 1294, Outside Karnax’s Last Resort,

Dear Diary,

The last few days have been something of a rush! After our first day Karnax’s Last Resort, Ioun, Bahamat and I decided to go around town last night (the 15th) and see where the students normally hand out. I admit I was not much in favor of this idea as I had hoped to read a few chapters of next years textbooks, and I find that I am rather out of place at most parties. Still I did not wish to let Ioun and Bahamat down so I went with them. After some time spent going around town we ended up in a tavern called “The Boar’s Rest” and the three of us where having a lot of fun, though I am not yet old enough to drink (at least mother tells me that) so I had not drunken anything. Though it was late there will still two other students there with us. The first one was our brave (and handsome!) minotaur (whom I shall refer to as Kord, for obvious reasons) though I was delighted to see him there I of course said nothing as he was clearly involved with the barmaid. The other was a student I have seen once or twice around school but never talked too. He is a bit like the proverbial “tall, dark and handsome” tough with something of a hard look about him; he does not seem very nice at all! Every time I said something he would look at me with a most evil expression, I shall call him Asmodeus as that seems a fitting name, and I must say but I do not like him much. Well the lot of us where about to head to bed, seeing as how it was quite past my bed time, and had just left the tavern when a horde of drunken (one can only assume) Kobolds came down the street. The lead one ran right into Kord and fell back stunned, and the next thing I knew we where brawling in the street! I can only hope that father does not hear of this. Well one of the Kobolds ran up to me and hit me rather hard. I ran back into the tavern door way and tried to help with some of the spells I have been learning, but I fear I only succeeded in making several of the Kobalds mad at Kord for they attacked him. OH! He was magnificent! Laying about him like a true hero (sports or not) and I admit to maybe watching him a little longer then necessary. Bahamat was capering about setting things ablaze like he normally does, while dear Ioun helped him with the fight. I could not see Asmodeus much, but despite my distaste for him I will admit he seems hard working and did not pass up a chance to help out. Well of course my friends soon had the Kobolds laid out cold; I do hope the poor dears will be alright. However we soon saw more the Kobolds running trough he streets, carrying babies of all things! Now I have heard of an old Kobold legend that stats that if you brake open a human baby under a full moon they turn out to be full of gold, so I have to wonder if they might not have just been desperately poor, rather then malicious. Though I thought it might be better to wait for the town watch to deal with situation the others chased after the Kobolds and not waiting to let my friends down, tough I always seem to, I followed. We soon caught up with the Kobolds, who when asked returned the babies and left town, a most sensible lot I must say. It was only this morning that some of the teachers call us together, it seems that some of the babies had not been returned. The teachers thought I might be good training for some of us to go after the kobolds and retrieve the stolen babes. Bahamat, Ioun, Kord and Asmodeus volunteered to go after them. I myself am petrified of the idea, the fight last night was scary enough with out going looking for trouble, I know I shall only get in the way. But in the end I could not stand the though of being left behind, so using the excuse of extra credit, which I don’t need I agreed to go along, if only to stay with my friends. So now we are heading out to find the Kobold camp and the babies. I feel rather sick and shaky at the moment and I fear I might vomit, I can only hope that I do not get my friends hurts in this somewhat rash undertaking (though the teachers would have asked us to go if it was that dangerous would they?). Oh, Gods, Kord has said he sees something up ahead, so I must try to hold it together of a little while longers, gods I have to pee!!! Good Night ------ Love Sarah.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

First entries (the story so far? )

Excerpts form The Diary Of Sarah Brightwater

15th Fire, 1292, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is my first day at Wizard Mountain Academy, I am so excited, and a little scared. This morning the Instructor came to get me at home. I had already said goodbye to mother and father and John and the baby, but even though it was quite early they all come out to say goodbye again. John told me to make us all proud and patted me on the head like some kind of baby! His hand was covered in syrup and got my hair all sticky! I had spent an hour making my hair look nice for the Instructor and then John ruined it, I HATE HIM and am very glad to be gone from him. Father never said a word just looked at me like he always does, like I’ve done something wrong, I thought that going to Wizard Mountain Academy to be a wizard like him would make him proud, but I guess not. I said goodbye to mother and the baby last, she was very sad and crying a lot, tough I know mother at least is very proud of me, but I am a big girl now and cannot cry. I managed to not cry in front of John and waited till we were down the lane and out of sight of the house before I cried. It may be years before I see them again, before I see mother, and baby will be all grown then. Then I dried my tears and we went on. The Instructor had a floating disk that he carried all my stuff on, this seems like a useful spell, I shall have to study hard and learn it. When we got out side of Brightwater the Instructor teleported (telaported? Taleported? No it must be teleported) us to Wizard Mountain. It made me retch, the magic made me sick in my stomach and the thought that had left my beloved Brightwater and my mother and baby…… OH I just know I shall fail, I will never make father happy! Oh diary you do not know what it like to be here. At first I was very scared of the place, it is so much bigger then Brightwater, and full of wizards and students (I can hardly believe I shall be one). I totally forgot to be scared for a little while, there are the most amazing things here! Magic carpets, elpahnts, griffons, magic mirrors, a dancing bear like at the country fair, but this one could turn into a man! It was truly amazing. After looking around a while the Instructor lead me to my dormitory, he has told me I am to share it with four others of my age, through they will arrive tomorrow, I am scared to meet them. Tomorrow is a big day, I start classes, I have gotten out my books for tomorrow and over the first chapter of each book (taking notes of course!) so as to be prepared for the classes. I also laid out my new school robes; I would not wish to make a bad impression on the professors. And now dearest diary I must go to bed. Good night. --- Love Sarah.

26th Harvest, 1292, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,
I do fear father will be most furious with me when he hears the latest news. Today we got our test results back from last week and it seems I am not to be a wizard after all, I feel as if I had died! It seems my WAT (Wizarding Aptitude Test) says that I should be a … a bard… a bard of all things! While I suppose mother was a bard so it cannot be all bad. Still I know that I have failed, the professors assured me that I did fail the test, that you cannot fail the WAT it will merely place you in the disciple that best fits you, but I know better. They may say that a bard is just as good as a wizard, but I have only to look at father and know that is a lie, though how teachers can lie is beyond me. The day only got worse! When I got back to my room I could hear my roommates laughing me behind my back, they shall be great wizards! Well at least I shall not have to see them again (and they are a hateful spiteful lot!) as I shall me to be with other bards on the marrow. And now Good Night ---- Love Sarah.

11th Snowfall, 1292, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

Perhaps being a bard is not so bad after all. Mother was a bard and it will no doubt make her proud, no matter what father thinks. Being a bard is fun I must say. I get to study a lot and read old poems, some are sooo beautiful, I can not believe they where written by mortals, rather then the gods. I am also learning many new things it seems as a bard I must have a passing familiarity with almost every disciple and skill one can imagine. It does seem however that as a bard I will have to have dealings with many people, I am not sure how I feel about this, I am quite shy and know I shall be laughed at. I must rise early to study tomorrow I am only two chapters ahead of the rest of the class and I must excel if I wish to reconcile my father to my new status. Good Night ---- Love Sarah.

19th Endings, 1292, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

The school is much quieter now with so many of the students returned home for winter brake. Other students get to go away on vacations or go home, (my old roommate Elisa was quite pleased to inform me that should would be taking a trip to Karnax’s Last Resort, while I get to stay here). Still the school looks quite beautiful all decorated for the Equinox Festival. Indeed I hardly have recognized the school these last weeks, all decorated for the Yule Ball at the end of school (us first year students could not go), then decorated for the Equinox Festival, which promises to be most amazing, and then they shall redecorate for New Years a week later, it really is an exciting time here and I am glad that I may, not only to enjoy the festivals of course but also to study for next year, I plan to have good prelimarny notes taken before the start of classes. My it is late, Good Night ---- Love Sarah.

20th Frostbrake, 1293, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

I must say it stay much colder up here in the mountains then in Brightwater, and it also stay colder longer, still the Academy is magical heated and it does not bother me much. We just finished our first tests this year; I had been looking forward to them for sometime and had studied very hard for them. I was sad to receive 110 my Practical Applications of Wizardry test, though at least that was the lowest grade I got. I heard some of the other students muttering that I was ruining the curve for them. While I hate to cause discomfort for them I do not excel due to my limited intelligence, but thanks to hard work and study, qualities my parents have drilled into me, and that anyone can emulate. Well I have to study now, Good Night ---- Love Sarah.

19th Rain, 1293, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

It is once again quite here at school as many students have gone home for Spring Brake and we have no classes for the next week, a fact that pains me. However I do have good news, I have made my first friends! I met a pair of other students (they shall be wizards but do not hold this against me). To protect their identity should we get into trouble (as I know we must, that’s why good friends do!) and this diary be read for information I shall refer to them by nicknames. The boy I shall call Bahamut, for he is a noble and good friend who shall always protect me, and the girl (she is a gnome and much prettier them me, but does not look down on me for it like many of the other girls) I shall call Ioun, for she is very smart and the most knowledgeable person I know. I shall be Sehanine for the better half of my heritage and together we three shall have a god-like friendship and do many great things together I just know! And now as always, Good Night ---- Love Sarah.

12th Growing, 1293, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,
Today we where allowed to go into town and shop, it was wonderful. We spent all day trying on new cloths for the summer months, and though I know I will never be as beautiful or poised as some of the other girls I do take great pleasure in trying on new things. I bought three dresses, one green (it is must beautiful green and silver, with a pretty belt and it fits me very well) one blue one for bright summer days and a nice pink one should I ever attend a ball. After that we shopped for trinkets and jewelry and I bought a sliver headband and a golden pendant hung with a fire ruby, but that is for special occasions. I am very tired after that long day so, Good Night ---- Love Sarah.

14th Fire, 1293, Brightwater,

Dear Diary,

Today is the last day of summer, tomorrow I return to school, I am looking forward to it greatly! I have missed Bahamut and Ioun greatly and know that my studies have slipped. Not that I have not learned anything this summer. No, father has been teaching me how to use a sword. He was not “angry” with me when I got home, but just looked at me like he always does, though this time I knew it was because I was not going to be a wizard. The next day he woke me up early and said, even trough a was a girl (and a weak one at that!) since I was going to be a bard I would need to learn how to use a sword and I have been practicing all summer long. I have learned to not only rely on my strength, for I have little, but rather on that same inner power that makes me a bard. I fear I have not made much progress. I shall miss mother and baby; they are both very proud of me, and mother secretly told me that she was happier with me being a bard, this made me the happiest I was all summer. John has been far nicer then normal, he must be planning something. Good Night ----- Love Sarah Gods what a load of trash my sister writes, planning something indeed, I would never do something to her!

4th Snowfall, 1293, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

There is this boy (an Elf of course), in my class, his name is Ælfweard, and he is the most beautiful thing in the word. Oh, when he has to play instruments it is like I am listing to the great orchestra of WMA playing all at once, he makes the most wounderus music and when he sings, its like the gods are serenading us. His countenance is angelic, oh just thinking about him makes me flush…. He is behind me in class rankings but I know he is just holding back to make others look better. I here he has a girl already and is not very nice to her, but I know that is because she is not the ONE for him. Ioun tells me he gets in trouble a lot, but that means that HE is unhappy, if someone (me maybe???) could only make him happy he would be a perfect person. Ioun says that is hogwash, but she is just jealous that I saw him first. Of course I could never talk to him. I’m am much to shy and ugly. But I can always keep looking, maybe he will notice me sometime… With many sighs, Good Night ---- Love Sarah.

12th Endings, 1293, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

Yesterday was my birthday! I must admit that 16 does not feel very much different then 15, I cannot remember if 15 felt better then 14, surly it must have? Bahamut and Ioun threw a party for me (last year I had no friends and was very lonely on my birthday, oh it wonderful to have such good friends!) They got me a cake, and I received many wonderful gifts including truly amazing lute, it is a work of art. Tomorrow is the last day of classes before the brake, I am looking forward to the Yule Ball (I shall ware my Pink dress, though I have had to have it altered I have grown a bit since I bought it) and to spending the holidays here with Bahamut and Ioun. Good Night! ---- Love Sarah.

1st Newgrowth, 1294, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

I need to work on my dwarven ,

so here goes. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The Dwarves are a mighty race. They live underground. Some say there are more dwarfs in the north. The Dwarves are our Friends. We must help our Friends. Dwarves are good smiths. That is all. Good Night ---- Love Sarah.

4th Rain, 1294, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

Today WMA won a big game against Dualopolis Polytechnic, it was all thanks to our star minotaur player, he is my hero, I think I am in love! He Is so big and strong and perfect in everyway (well he can’t cast even the simplest spell, but who cares) I would do anything for him to notice me! Good Night ---- Love Sarah.

3rd Planting, 1294, Wizard Mountain Academy

Dear Diary,

Dr. Kresher has given me top marks in all my musical instrument work this is most reassuring. However he says that I need to work on my singing, while I have the basics down, and certainly know the chants he says I do not put my heart into, nor do I every “sing up”. I know he is trying to encourage me, but I am not just shy, I know that I have a most awfully singing voice and cannot stand for anyone to here me sing, I despair that I will never make a good bard! Oh what am I to do?!!?! Perhaps Bahamut or Ioun has some advice? GOOD NIGHT ----- Love Sarah.

13th Fire, 1294, Brightwater,

Dear Diary,

Another summer done and soon I can return to school. I have once again spent all summer learning the blade from father and though I try hard in all things to make him proud I have again failed. I do not know why! It is hardly my fault that I am half-human, nor does he hate mother for being human, no he loves her. It is only in me that he sees his failings, that he shall have another Elf Wizard, well I cannot be that, it so unfair!!!! Nothing I do is every good enough for him. Well no matter soon I shall be back at school and will not have to worry about his disapproving stare for another year. Baby has grown so big that I think next year I will be longer be able to call him that! Mother is as always proud of me, tough baby takes up most of her time every year I miss her more and more. John is perhaps not so bad as I remember him being, father has also been teaching him the sword and we have spent many hour practicing on one another. Ah I cannot wait to see Bahamut and Ioun again! Good Night ---- Love Sarah.

4th Leaffall, 1294, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

I must work on my Elvin, surely this would make father happy!

The Elves are a woodland people. They are good wizards. I am a half-elf. Elves are our friends. We should always help our friends. Ellastor was a great Elven Wizard. If father is right elves are much better then humans. I am weak because I am half human. Why am I not an elf?

That’s enough for now. good night ….. ---- Sarah.

9th Snowfall, 1294, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

Today I mastered another spell! My teacher was very impressed. I have learned a spell called, “Tenser’s Floating Disk”. It is the spell that the Instructor used when he first brought me to Wizard Mountain Academy. Knowing it has always been a personal goal of mine and it pleases me to no end to finally know it. It seems that even if I never make a good Bard I can always me a ritualist. Good Night! ------ Love Sarah.

12th Endings, 1294, Wizard Mountain Academy,

Dear Diary,

I do not have much time, for I must pack quickly! Well I am now 17, Bahamut and Ioun and a few others threw me a party yesterday, great fun was had by all! I received the most beautiful locket that contains a picture of the 3 of us, I shall always love it. But the best surprise came later when they told me this, tomorrow after the Yule Ball we shall all leave to spend the Winter Brake at Karnax’s Last Resort! Oh it shall be just the best of times! And Ioun told me that we shall not be going alone, it seems some other students are coming with us, including, our lovely minotaur sports hero, maybe he will notice me over the brake? Or at least I can talk to him! Well I have to get ready for the Ball, Good Night

--- Love Sarah.